Webinar: The use of literature to form values
Webinar ICUSTA, in this opportunity on the use of literature to form values, organized by ICUSTA and with the participation of the Santo Tomás University of Chile, the Santo Tomás University of the Philippines, the Abat Oliva University of Barcelona; the Catholic University of Ávila and the Catholic University of Valencia, Spain, San Pablo CEU University, Spain.
- Cintia Carreira Zafra. U Abat Oliva.
- María Esther Gomez De Pedro. UST Chile.
- Ana Rodriguez de Agüero Delgado, U San Pablo CEU.
- Diana Eguía Armenteros. UCAV Ávila.
- Tamar Shuali, U Católoca de Valencia.
- Victoria Tenreiro, U Católica de Valencia.
- Ailil Alvares, U Santo Tomás Filipinas.