ICUSTA’s Executive Director visited Institutions in Spain and Italy
Together with participating in the Conference on Expanded Reason in Madrid and in the meeting of the International Network of Institutions for the Family in Rome, the Executive Director of ICUSTA, Mauricio Echeverría, visited some member institutions as well as observers and friends of ICUSTA.
At the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, host of the Conference, he had the opportunity to meet with the Rector, Daniel Sada, with the Vice Rector of Faculty and Academic Organization, María Lacalle, with the Vice Rector of Comprehensive Formation, Fernando Viñado, and with the Vice Rector of Internationalization, Juan Pérez Miranda. Also while in Madrid, Dr. Echeverría visited the Universidad San Pablo CEU, where he met with the Rector, Rosa Visiedo, the International Relations team, and other directors. Moreover, he encountered there the Rector of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga.
As for his visit to Rome, in addition to meeting with the authorities of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, ICUSTA’s Executive Director met with the Rector of the Pontificia Università San Tommaso, Angelicum, Fr. Michał Paluch, O.P. and other directors. This University, co-founder of our network, expressed much interest in resuming joint projects. Furthermore, he greeted there the President of the Società Internazionale Tommaso d’Aquino, SITA, Fr. Vincenzo Benetollo, O.P.
Always when in Rome, Mauricio Echeverría met with the authorities of other friend universities, such as the Rector of the Pontificia Università Regina Apostolorum, Fr. José Enrique Oyarzún L.C., and the Rector of the Università Europea di Roma, Fr. Pedro Barrajón, L.C. Additionally, he met in that city with Lydia Jiménez, member of ICUSTA’s Council of Honor and President of the Board of the Universidad Católica de Ávila, Spain, as well as with María del Rosario Sáez, Rector of that same University. Lastly, he visited the Istituto Universitario Sophia, in Loppiano, Tuscany, where he met with the Rector, Msgr. Piero Coda, and other authorities.