2019 – 2021 ICUSTA Nominations
New President, new Committees and 2021 Host
At the last Biennial Conference in Houston, in May of 2019, ICUSTA’s Assembly of Delegates appointed new officers and Committees as well as the host institution for the next biennial meeting. First of all, the Universidad FASTA (Fraternidad de Agrupaciones Santo Tomás de Aquino), in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina, was decided upon as the location for the 15th Biennial Meeting in 2021, under the general theme: “Political thought and its consequences for today’s world in the light of St. Thomas Aquinas”. As the President of ICUSTA shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the University where the next biennial meeting will be held, Dr. Juan Carlos Mena, Rector of Universidad FASTA, will serve as President of our network until the end of that conference on their campus in 2021.
For his part, Dr. Richard Ludwick, President of the University of St. Thomas, Houston, and President of ICUSTA from 2017 to 2019, will continue serving as our Past President until 2021. Furthermore, Dr. Mauricio Echeverría was reelected as ICUSTA’s Executive Director for a second two-year term. The Executive Committee, which acts in the name of ICUSTA during the interim between biennial sessions, is composed by these three officers here mentioned, plus the President of the institution that hosts the office of the Executive Director, who is currently Mrs. María Olivia Recart of the Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile, and two other members of ICUSTA who are elected by its voting members. The two members elected in May were the representatives of the Pontifical University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, Fr. Richard Ang O.P., and of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, Spain, Dr. Alessandro Mini.
Finally, the Steering Committee, which shall assist in the implementation of the plans and actions decided by the Executive Committee and which pertains to same institutions of this latter Committee, will be composed of the following representatives: Dr. Alejandro Campos, Vice President for Academic Affairs of the Universidad FASTA; Dr. Hans Stockton, Director of the Center for International Studies of the University of St. Thomas, Houston; M.A. Roberto Lafontaine, International Projects Director of the Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile; Dr. Lilian Sison, Director of the Office of International Relations and Programs of the Pontifical University of Santo Tomas, Philippines; and Dr. Joan D. A. Juanola, Professor of Psychology of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU.
You can find more information on our website: Organization.