ICUSTA, based on its mission and vision, wants to strengthen the activities that its member institutions carry out with disadvantaged communities by putting its students and teachers in contact with the noblest Christian sense of welcoming and helping others. In this regard, ICUSTA has created the Gerardo Rocha Global Solidarity Fund (GRGSF) thanks to Angelicum […]

ICUSTA, based on its mission and vision, wants to strengthen the activities that its member institutions carry out with disadvantaged communities by putting its students and teachers in contact with the noblest Christian sense of welcoming and helping others.
In this regard, ICUSTA has created the Gerardo Rocha Global Solidarity Fund (GRGSF) thanks to Angelicum Foundation’s support. This time a fund has been earmarked for solidarity projects and social voluntary actions involving at least two member institutions for the benefit of a disadvantaged community.
- Projects submitted for consideration must be endorsed by the President / Rector of the institution that presents them. Proposals must be submitted by the Vice- Rectorate or Directorate of International relations of an ICUSTA institution, even if the project is carried out by another
- Projects should be linked to ICUSTA’s mission and vision and to help a disadvantaged community. Projects will be given greater priority insofar as their realization involves more clearly and profoundly the ideals of Thomas Aquinas.
- At least 2 ICUSTA institutions should be involved in each Higher priority will be given to projects involving a greater number of ICUSTA institutions.
- Participating institutions must also organize a short course of 3 or more sessions on solidarity and university social responsibility, online, and involving teachers and students.
- All proposals should be sent by e-mail to the ICUSTA Executive The ICUSTA Executive Committee will choose the winning projects.
2 projects for a total grant of $ 6,000 (USD) each will be awarded.
- Proposals should include a detailed budget, a project schedule and expected The funds will not be available to cover salary expenses.
- Project managers are expected to provide a progress report and final report on the project funded in a timely manner.
- Dates:
- Presentation of projects: July 05th 2024.
- Communication of results: July 25th 2024.
- Runtime for projects: between August 2024 and March 2025.