AIRES – Aquinas Initiative for Religion, Education, and Science
We have gathered scientists, philosophers, theologians and educators to create a platform of active learning in science and religion with multilingual curricula, resources and teacher-training programs.

Purpose of AIRES
To address the science and religion interface at the level of formative Catholic institutions, for developing an educational project that is simultaneously concept-sensitive and cross-cultural. Our activities vary from institution to institution. However, the core activities that unify the project involve: a multilingual web site with teaching resources and communication tools, a number of local teacher/student training initiatives, and conferences on science, religion and education.
Dr. Philippe Quentin
Dra. Agnes Ponsaran
Dr. Ignacio Serrano
University of St. Thomas Houston
Institut Catholique d’Études Supérieures, ICES
Pontifical University of Santo Tomas
Universidad Santo Tomás
