Frequently Asked Questions
ICUSTA (International Council of Universities in the spirit of St Thomas Aquinas) is a voluntary network of Universities and other higher education institutions, foundations and associations, that faithfully adhere to the ideals and teachings of St Thomas Aquinas.
ICUSTA was founded in 1993 in Santiago, Chile, in a meeting of Presidents and delegates of six universities from different countries. In 2018 we will celebrate our 25th Anniversary.
Universities, Foundations and Associations in the five continents are official members of ICUSTA. You can see the full list here.
Only higher academic institutions, as universities, colleges, professional or technical institutes, foundations and associations can become members of ICUSTA, as long as their mission is in accord with that of ICUSTA. A natural person as such cannot become a member; neither can Schools, High schools or any kind of preschool, primary or secondary institutions.
There are plenty of initiatives, exchanges and meetings that will benefit you and your institution in various manners.
Membership application in ICUSTA may be instituted by a requesting Catholic-oriented higher education institution, foundation or association. Nominations for membership in ICUSTA may also be made by other member institutions. For more information you can send us a message in the Contact section.
Yes. Annual dues for ICUSTA are established by the Assembly of Delegates at their regular biennial meetings. New member institutions pay the annual fee starting the next calendar year of their acceptance. There are waivers of dues for developing institutions or other members who may be experiencing particular financial difficulties.
ICUSTA has officers and Committees, which stand for election and serve for a two-year term. For more details, you can see our Organization section.
No, ICUSTA acts as a separate, independent entity.
ICUSTA Executive Director’s office was until 2016 at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, USA. Today it is hosted by the Universidad Santo Tomás in Chile.
You can subscribe to our Newsletter or send us a message in our Contact section.