Monsignor Jean-Luis Bruguès received his certificate as a member of ICUSTA’s Council of Honor in Rome
The President of the International Council of Universities in the Spirit of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Richard Ludwick, presented the recognition as member of our Council of Honor to the well-known Dominican Archbishop, on the occasion of a visit to the Vatican Library by a delegation of ICUSTA.
Monsignor Bruguès guided the visitors through the beautiful rooms of the Library on his last day as the Archivist and Librarian of the Holy Roman Church. Among the valuable documents housed in the Library, the delegation could contemplate an original manuscript by Saint Thomas Aquinas, with the notes of his secretary and the corrections made by the holy Doctor and Patron of ICUSTA.
Among the activities realized in Rome besides that of the visit to the Vatican Library, was a meeting held of ICUSTA’s Executive Committee (the highest directive body of our network) in the house of the Cruzadas de Santa María and also one was held of the Committee of Experts for the design of the Thomistic Formation Program at the Angelicum University. The delegation also participated in the general audience of the Holy Father.
The visit to Rome and the activities realized there form part of the celebrations of the 25 years of the network ICUSTA. Among the members of the delegation who were present are the following: President Richard Ludwick and his wife Melynda (University of Saint Thomas, Houston), Rector María del Rosario Sáez (Universidad Católica de Ávila), Rector Herminio Dagohoy O.P. (University of Santo Tomas, Manila), President Vincenzo Benetollo O.P. (Società Internazionale Tommaso d’Aquino), Director of International Projects Roberto Lafontaine (Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile), Professor Bruno Couillaud (IPC Facultés Libres de Philosophie et de Psychologie, Paris) and the Executive Director of ICUSTA, Mauricio Echeverría.